Woodmoulding MIS 

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The goal of the Woodmoulding MIS is to be a tightly integrated DBMS for the management of a moulding manufacturing concern.  When fully installed, the data from Order Entry is related to and effected by the data in Inventory, and so on throughout all modules.  In an effort to segment the development and installation of the Woodmoulding MIS, the system has been modularized.  Each module both stands on its own and integrates with related modules.  The system is made up of nine (9) modules, each with six (6) Activities.  The activities represent a further segmentation of the operation of the system designed to enhance both navigation and maintenance.  The modules and activities are describe below:

Woodmoulding.Com - Laramie, Wyoming, USA



• Inventory • Collection
• Order Entry • Process
• Scheduling • Analyze
• Production • Report
• Shipping • Rules
• Salvage • Panels
• Time & Attendance  
• WWW Interface  
• Financial Modeling  


Collection:  Collection is the physical collection/input of the data. I.E. keypunch of transactions or scans of inventory tags.

Process: Process is the manually instigated work done to the data.  I.E. confirmation of items to ship or closing inventory.

Analyze: Analyze is the integrating reports of the system.  I.E. raw material requirements versus order files or customer sales history versus current RFQ.

Report:  Report is single module based reports.  I.E. inventory on hand or open orders.

Rules: Rules are the supporting parameters.  I.E. listing of valid rip widths or finished moulding length schedules.

Panels: Panels are input screens for demographic or other static data.  I.E. input of customer billing/shipping addresses or bulk addition of items.


  Inventory:  Inventory are activities related to raw material inventory from requirements definition through usage.

Order Entry: Order entry are activities related to customer order details from RFQ through completion. 

Scheduling:  Scheduling are activities related to plant wide production scheduling from inbound shipping through outbound shipping.  Scheduling is segmented to isolate each discrete manufacturing operation.  The individual segments overlap at the transition point of each discrete pair of operations.

Production: Production are activities related to production activity data from receipt through shipping.  Production is segmented in parallel with the scheduling system and is an integral component of the scheduling system.  Data collection in the production system runs the gamut from bar-coded inventory tags to manually prepared tallies.  This system acts as inventory control for WIP and both BTO and BTI finished goods.

Shipping: Shipping are activities related to the actual shipping of finished product.

Salvage:  Salvage are activities related to salvage operation activities from production through sales.

Time & Attendance:  Time & Attendance is a customized front end to a third party timekeeping system.  This system allows for the manipulation, reporting and analysis of time and attendance data for hourly employees.  

World Wide Web Interface:  World Wide Web interface allows for the reporting of system data via the WWW.  This system includes off-site management reporting and customer status reporting.  Great opportunities exist to expand the role of this module.

Financial Modeling: Financial Modeling are activities related to system wide data in a financial context.  This module relies on Microsoft Excel 2000 as well as MAS 90 for Windows.


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